Who Does He Say That You Are?
Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are…
To See Through His Eyes
Pray a prayer for patience and you can almost hear a collective gasp and, figuratively, those around you take a giant step back. After all that’s one of those “dangerous prayers” that only the brave or the naïve dare pray. Well, call me naïve, because not only was I not prepared for what lie ahead, I was audacious enough…
Mary, Did You Know?
If you have been on Facebook during the holiday season, you have no doubt seen this post showcasing the group Pentatonix singing “Mary Did You Know” by Mark Lowry. I have heard this song before; however, there is something so hauntingly sacred about the way Pentatonix offers their acapellic praise in the still, dead of night that continues…
Hang On!
Ears to hear and eyes to see…both are gifts from the Lord. Proverbs 20:12 It’s been said, “Be careful what you pray for. You might just get it.” Too often we have a preconceived idea what the answer is going to be; therefore, I think it could more accurately be said, “Hang on! You might just be surprised what…
Break My Plans … Still
Wednesday morning I posted an entry about praying that God would break my plans. Break my plans; shape my heart. Take my will to where you are. Move my mind through you Word. Till all that I am lives to love you, Lord. Within mere minutes a severe thunderstorm ripped through the metro area and left damage in its…
Break My Plans; Shape My Heart
Wow! What a magnificent Easter service we had at Valleydale Sunday morning! Personally, I had never heard of the singing group This Hope before, but I am extremely thankful that I know about them now. It was evident from the very start they didn’t come to entertain us; they came to bring us a message. That message has reverberated…