
Hang On!

Ears to hear and eyes to see…both are gifts from the Lord. 
Proverbs 20:12

It’s been said, “Be careful what you pray for.  You might just get it.”  Too often we have a preconceived idea what the answer is going to be; therefore, I think it could more accurately be said, “Hang on! You might just be surprised what God has in mind!”  You see, this I know from a great deal of painstaking experience!

When I began writing my blog as Like a Frog in a Frying Pan, I began to realize there was a theme to what God was telling me – focus.  I needed to focus more on Him, focus deeper on His Word, and focus closer on the people I see everyday.  I wish I could tell you I have done a perfect job of doing all three everyday since, but I cannot.  But little did I know just exactly what God had in store for me each time I prayed “Lord, help me see others through Your eyes.  Change my focus so I see each person as you see them.”  I expected – even wanted – to be changed by my prayer.  I deeply desired to see as Jesus sees; to love as Jesus loves; to live as Jesus would have me live to bring honor to Him and to touch the lives of hurting people every day.  I did not expect that this change would leave my heart broken and bleeding and crying out the God for mercy.  I expected to become more compassionate, but I did not expect the pain and sadness that would accompany it.  Why?  Because God not only allowed me to look INTO the eyes of hurting, lonely, frightened, desperate people, He allowed me to look THROUGH the eyes of hurting, lonely, frightened, desperate people – by putting me in situations where I actually felt their pain, loneliness, fear, and desperation.

So, Yes, I would definitely say, “Hang on! You might just be surprised what God has in mind!” when you pray.  But what He had in mind for me was so much more than I could even imagine it sends chills down my spine every time I look back and think about it.  It has definitely changed my focus!  I’ll share more specifics in future blogs.

Lord, it hasn’t been an easy journey, but I am so thankful for every tear, every painful step, every time I fall broken at your feet.  Thank you for collecting every tear, walking every step, and gently putting the pieces back together so that I am more focused in the right places, more compassionate to those you place in my path, and most of all bring you more glory, more honor, and more praise! Amen, and Amen, and Amen!

I am just an ordinary middle-aged woman striving to make a difference one word at a time. . . no matter what hat I am wearing at the time.