I Am The Lord’s Servant
This is a rewrite of a post I published almost eight years ago. As I was listening to Mary Did You Know by Mark Lowry the other day, I was again struck by the knowledge that Mary’s message in the recounting of Jesus’ birth is just as relevant today as it was for her so very long ago. Listen closely to this video from YouTube of Mark Lowry, Guy Penrod and David Phelp singing Mary Did You Know by Mark Lowry.
Mary, as you sat among the animals and cuddled your newborn son, did you know His tiny cries would one day become the .gentle voice that calmed a raging storm and cast out demons? As you counted his ten tiny toes, could you envision they would some day walk on water? As you caressed his precious little fingers, did you understand they would one day heal the sick and restore sight to the blind? As you kissed his soft, sweet forehead did you foresee it would one day wear a crown of thorns? Could you possibly conceive that those very hands and those very feet would be viciously nailed to a cross – that this little child you loved so completely would be so hated and despised by so many?
Mary, what did you know?
Mary … knew … God.
She knew she had been chosen by God to fulfill an unbelievably important role. She understood her own plans would from that time forward be forever changed but believed His plans were far more significant than hers. She knew she risked losing everything from her betrothed to her life but understood her obedience was far more important than personal preference. Therefore, despite what she did not know, and because of what she did, she humbly answered,
“I am the Lord’s servant. Let it be…”
Because she had grown up watching God’s hand at work, she recognized His presence and was prepared to acknowledge His promise and trust He was faithful to fulfill all that He said.
As we celebrate the birth of this little babe who came to save the world, I can’t help but look back at His handiwork and praise Him for all He has done. I look ahead with great expectations for all He has in store for my family, our nation, and even our world. Like Mary there is so much we don’t know or clearly understand. Sometimes that makes taking the next step frightening. Sometimes it reequires difficult sacrifices. It always requires faith. But, like Mary, what we don’t know is not as important as what we do know – that we can completely rest in the strength and power of His love.
As we celebrate the miraculous birth of our Lord and look forward to dawning of 2023 with all its promises, expectations, and unknown variables, may we be as faithful, obedient and fearless as that lonely, young girl so long ago. May we willingly give Him our simple trust and complete obedience. May we witness His hand at work in us, through us, and around us.
Whatever He has in store for our future, may our answer be
“I am the Lord’s servant. Let it be…”

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Janet Nance