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    To See Through His Eyes

    Pray a prayer for patience and you can almost hear a collective gasp and, figuratively, those around you take a giant step back. After all that’s one of those “dangerous prayers” that only the brave or the naïve dare pray. Well, call me naïve, because not only was I not prepared for what lie ahead, I was audacious enough…

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    Why Your Child’s Spiritual Growth is NOT Your RIGHT

    Now, hear me out before you start throwing stones.  Recently, I read a very interesting blog lamenting the fact that parents are “outsourcing” the spiritual education of their children to the church.  Interestingly enough, the comments that ensued in response to this blog began with someone offering three excuses why parents feel they have been stripped of the right…

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    What We Can Learn From the Iron Bowl

    The day dawned ripe with potential and expectations across the entire state of Alabama Saturday as both Alabama and Auburn fans donned their favorite sports apparel, decorated their cars with the appropriate paraphernalia and exchanged smack talk across kitchen tables and live air waves.  The entire  day was set aside for tailgating, Iron Bowl Parties, and intimate gatherings around…

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    Deuteronomy Parenting in the 21st Century

    It is no secret that prayer and Bible Study are important for maintaining an intimate relationship with God. But when you are parenting young children, I think we can all agree finding the time can be challenging at best. And to top it all off, as parents we are not only responsible for our own Spiritual growth and development;…