It was just an ordinary stick. Most of us wouldn’t have paid much attention to it. The master carpenter, however, took it back to his shop where he whittled and sanded and varnished until he was so pleased with the results he placed it proudly in his shop window for everyone to see. Soon an elderly gentleman walked by.…
Write Them on Your Forehead and Wear Them on Your Hands in the 21st Century
There were no secrets and no strangers in the small farming community where I grew up. If I ever did something wrong, my parents were more than likely going to hear about it before I got home. Such is life in a small town. As a part-time waitress at the local cafe, I was accustomed to farmers gathering in…
The Myth of the Illusive Super Mom Cape
Have you ever felt like motherhood is a competition to see who can come up with the cutest costumes and have the best-dressed, most well-behaved children? Do you sometimes wish you could find the "super mom" cape all the cool moms seem to have?
The Role of Traditions and Memories in the Family
The more we weave Christ and the scriptures into the everyday lives, memories and history of our family, the firmer the foundation on which we train our kids to be strong men and women who are capable of living in our world but not of it.
What? Kids Don’t Come with A User’s Manual?
I was as serious as any naïve, new mother can possibly be as I cuddled my newborn son and vowed I would never let anything hurt him. As I gazed into his sweet, little face, I was overcome by the realization that he was dependent on his dad and I for everything! While my heart swelled with love, it…
Where is God in a the Pandemic?
When we praise and worship Him in private, we reap those benefits in solitude. When we give Him the glory and honor in public, we invite others to see His blessings and feel His presence.