
Mary, Did You Know?


If you have been on Facebook during the holiday season, you have no doubt seen this post showcasing the group Pentatonix singing “Mary Did You Know” by Mark Lowry.  I have heard this song before; however, there is something so hauntingly sacred about the way Pentatonix offers their acapellic praise in the still, dead of night that continues to echo through my heart despite the fact that Christmas has come and gone.

It is not the melody – as beautiful as it is…or their voices – as magnificent as they are…or the harmony – as gloriously blended as they may be…but the powerful message in the simple words that reverberate through my mind.

 Mary … did … you … know?

photo by Stephen Kelley all rights reserved

The morning Jesus was born, I can imagine Mary was like all young mothers, cuddling and caring for her infant son. As she counted his ten precious toes, how could she possibly have known they would some day walk on water? As she caressed his tiny fingers grasping her own, how could she have envisioned them healing the blind or raising anyone from the dead? As she kissed his tiny forehead it was no doubt a good thing she did not know it would one day wear a crown of thorns. . . that those very hands and those very feet would be viciously nailed to a cross – that this little child she loved so completely would be so hated and despised by so many.

Despite all the things Mary did not know, what she did know was so much more important.

 For … Mary … did … know … God.

She knew that even though she could not totally comprehend the situation, she had been chosen by God to fulfill an unbelievably important role. She knew her own plans would from that time forward be forever changed, but his plans were far more significant than hers. She knew she risked losing everything from her betrothed to her life but obedience was far more important than personal preference. Therefore, despite what she did not know, and because of what she did, she humbly answered,

 “I am the Lord’s servant. Let it be…”

She had seen Him at work in the past; therefore, she recognized his hand at work and was prepared to acknowledge he had made a promise he was faithful to fulfill.

photo by Kandice Pearson all rights reserved
photo by Kandice Pearson
all rights reserved

As a new year dawns, I can’t help but look ahead at all the expectations God has lain before my family and I, for our nation, and even our world. Like Mary there is so much we don’t know or clearly understand. Sometimes that makes taking the next step frightening. Sometimes they require difficult sacrifices. They always require faith.But what we don’t know is not as important as that we do know Him and can always rest assured in the strength of his love.

So as 2015 dawns with all its promises, expectations, and unknown variables, my only resolution is to be as faithful and obedient and fearless as that lonely young girl so long ago…

 That in her sweet simpleness was used for such vital significance.

 Whatever You have in store for 2015, God,

 “I am the Lord’s servant. Let it be…”

I am just an ordinary middle-aged woman striving to make a difference one word at a time. . . no matter what hat I am wearing at the time.