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    Social Distancing

    Luke 8: 43-48 Who touched me? With the recent adjustments we’ve made because of the pandemic, we’ve come face to face with the reality that life-changing experiences can alter our entire world in just the blink of an eye. We are seldom given a heads up and usually don’t have a lot of control. The term social distancing may…

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    To See Through His Eyes

    Pray a prayer for patience and you can almost hear a collective gasp and, figuratively, those around you take a giant step back. After all that’s one of those “dangerous prayers” that only the brave or the naïve dare pray. Well, call me naïve, because not only was I not prepared for what lie ahead, I was audacious enough…

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    Jesus Knew And It Didn’t Change a Thing

    Before the Passover celebration, Jesus knew that his hour had come to leave this world and return to his Father. He had loved his disciples during his ministry on earth, and now he loved them to the very end. It was time for supper, and the devil had already prompted Judas, son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus. Jesus…

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    Mary, Did You Know?

      If you have been on Facebook during the holiday season, you have no doubt seen this post showcasing the group Pentatonix singing “Mary Did You Know” by Mark Lowry.  I have heard this song before; however, there is something so hauntingly sacred about the way Pentatonix offers their acapellic praise in the still, dead of night that continues…

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    Why Your Child’s Spiritual Growth is NOT Your RIGHT

    Now, hear me out before you start throwing stones.  Recently, I read a very interesting blog lamenting the fact that parents are “outsourcing” the spiritual education of their children to the church.  Interestingly enough, the comments that ensued in response to this blog began with someone offering three excuses why parents feel they have been stripped of the right…