
Legacy of Prayer

Make yourself an example of good works with integrity and dignity.
Titus 2:7a

She was just a little girl – too young to understand the political entanglements following WWII that had such a profound effect on her life.  She did not know what “German” meant much less the hatred that society had for those who carried the label.  She only understood the genuine love and tenderness she received from the woman who was her grandmother.  Unfortunately, whether it was fear of associating with someone so obviously of German descent or other family dynamics too complicated for her to comprehend, her parents made the decision to sever all family ties.  On that fateful day the timid, young child lost not only one of the few truly loving relationships she had in her gloomy, little world, she lost contact with her grandmother’s legacy as well.

For almost seven decades that sweet, little child thought her grandmother had turned her away.

The perceived rejection had a profound effect on her self-image as she grew up, married her knight in shining armor, raised a family, and entered her golden years.  At the age of 72 she was reunited with two of her cousins who provided her with closure that ended a life-long pursuit to fill a void she had never quite been able to identify.

She was a woman of God who just happened to have German ancestry and the ability to speak the German language.  She just happened to live during a time when her earthly heritage was more important to society – and to parts of her own family – than her heavenly one. She was found guilty in the eyes of strangers for the actions of people she had never met despite the fact that her own character was blameless.  Most people did not care to look past her label of “German” to see the beautiful woman of God she truly was.  She could have allowed this to make her bitter and hateful yet she chose to live under the grace and mercy of God.  She lived as an example to the world around her of good works with integrity and dignity.  All the hatred she bore, however, dimmed in comparison to the pain she felt the day her son and daughter-in-law denounced their relationship with her and broke off her association with her beloved granddaughter, Nancy.  She never ceased praying for them, however.

And that was the news my mother, Nancy, called to share with me, tears clogging her throat, as she explained how her grandmother had loved her and missed her all those years she was growing up in an atmosphere of pain, anger and confusion and had prayed for her faithfully until the day she died.  Chills ran up and down my spine at the implications of her discovery.  I wish my great-grandmother could see now the legacy her prayers have left on the generations that came after her.  She began praying for a little girl growing up in an abusive home.  By all accounts I should have grown up in an abusive home as well; however, my mother met a very loving man from a happy, healthy home who has cherished and honored her for over 50 years.  I wish I could introduce my great-grandmother to my children so she could see how they, too, live their lives in a manner that brings honor and glory to God.  I wish my kids had had the opportunity to sit at her feet and learn Bible stories from her, to learn from her example of integrity and dignity; however I have no doubt that her prayers have had a huge impact on their lives.

There are a couple of lessons for us all to learn from this beautiful German woman we will never get to meet face to face.  Our intercessory prayers are important.  Our prayers make a difference. It is a treasure to have people who pray for us, and it is one of the most loving things we can do for those we love.  My kids tease me about “worrying” about them when I ask them to let me know when they leave for road trips and when they arrive safely.  I’m not worrying; I’m praying.

In our society we have come to believe we are being strong if we keep our problems to ourselves. We should embrace the prayers of our family members.  Not only is it important to let each other know how to pray, but it is such a treasure to let them know that you are praying for them.  Write out a prayer for them and send it to them.  Pray with them.  We may never know the true impact we are having, but we do know we are not only being prayer warriors but living out a good example with integrity and dignity.

Lord, thank you for the prayer warriors in my life – in my mother’s life and in the lives of my children.  May I never take them or their prayers for granted.  May I never take for granted the freedom I have to come to you in prayer about anything at any time.  May I always remember your love – for me, for those around me, for those who will come after me.  May I be found a faithful prayer warrior for those you have laid on my heart.  And may my life be an example of good works with integrity and dignity.  Amen

I am just an ordinary middle-aged woman striving to make a difference one word at a time. . . no matter what hat I am wearing at the time.