When God Calls, Do You Answer?
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen."Jeremiah 29:11
Has God ever picked you up from where you are and placed you where He wants you to be?
At the beginning of my public school teaching career, I made it my goal to secure a position in one of the top three school systems where I lived. After a few miserable years of pursuing MY goal, I found myself facing the beginning of a new school year with no prospects for a job in sight.
One morning I fell to my knees in desperation and cried out to God for direction. Shortly thereafter my telephone rang and I found myself speaking to a program director for the inner city schools in my area. We spoke for about ten minutes, and when we hung up, I didn’t expect to ever hear back from her.
Sure enough, the next day I received a call from her offering me a job.
Now, understand, I never filled out an application for this position.
She had never seen my resume.
We had never met face to face.
I had never even considered teaching in this district.
God didn’t need to see my resume or application. He knew me. He knew where I needed to be, and that is where I stayed until I retired 18 years later.
You see when I thought I was in control and took charge, I failed miserably. When I turned it over to God, He was able to make things happen that didn’t seem possible.
My friend, our plans generally fall flat and leave us unsatisfied and unsuccessful. The journey isn’t always full of roses and sunshine, but God never said it would be. The rewards, however, for obediance to His plan are great.
Lord, thank you for being patient when we foolishly think our way is best. Thank you for being there when we cry out to you for direction. Please give us clarity and wisdom for our decisions wherever you have called us to be. AMEN
All mothers want the best for their child. Oh, how tempting it is to want to step in and “HELP” that happen. God wants the best for them, too; however, He has the benefit of truly knowing what that is and being with them every step of the way. As much as we love our children, He loves them more. Have you turned your child over to God? Or are you still grasping at that control?
Speak this truth into your child’s life. Let them hear you praying for them. Guide them in turning to God in prayer for wisdom and clarity. Let this become a habit that you slowly instill in your child from a young age.