I am just an ordinary middle-aged woman striving to make a difference one word at a time. . . no matter what hat I am wearing at the time.

  • family making breakfast in the kitchen
    Sacrifice of Service

    Mommy Marathon

    You’ve washed the dishes, folded the clothes, and changed the baby at least 29 times. You’ve cooked breakfast, made lunches, and found junior’s lost shoe. Grab your backbag. Grab your lunch. Car line one and car line two. Rush hour traffic, rush hour traffic. Gotta get to work, please move. Then there’s ball practice, piano lessons, and don’t forget…

  • Sacrifice of Praise,  Sacrifice of Worship

    The Perfect Note

    For by one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy.  Hebrews 10:14 It started out as an innocent flirtation between my husband and I, but ended up so much more. At some point in our marriage, my mom had made the comment that I never did anything wrong growing up, and from time to time…

  • woman wearing gown standing in the woods
    Sacrifice of Thanksgiving

    The Princess In The Mirror

    When I was a little girl, Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella was broadcast on network television about once a year. On the nights it aired, I would be glued to the set from the second it began until the last credits rolled. That night I would dream I was Cinderella. The next day I would pretend I was Cinderella. Oh, how I…

  • baby child father fingers
    Sacrifice of Service

    I Am The Lord’s Servant

    This is a rewrite of a post I published almost eight years ago. As I was listening to Mary Did You Know by Mark Lowry the other day, I was again struck by the knowledge that Mary’s message in the recounting of Jesus’ birth is just as relevant today as it was for her so very long ago. Listen…

  • Sacrifice of Worship

    Who Does He Say That You Are?

    Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”  And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”  He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”  Simon Peter replied, “You are…